The world's most famous worm needs to eat lots of candy and fruit to grow and protect itself from enemies or their friends. Challenge everyone in this exciting game where what matters is eating and running, or cornering your friend. Use your strategy and participate in pay-play tournaments in your online rank.
Der berühmteste Wurm der Welt muss viel Süßigkeiten und Obst essen, um zu wachsen und sich vor Feinden oder Freunden zu schützen. Fordern Sie in diesem aufregenden Spiel alle heraus, wo es darauf ankommt, zu essen und zu rennen oder Ihren Freund in die Enge zu treiben. Verwenden Sie Ihre Strategie und nehmen Sie an Pay-Play-Turnieren in Ihrem Online-Rang teil.
The world's most famous worm needs to eat lots of candy and fruit to grow and protect itself from enemies or their friends. Challenge everyone in this exciting game where what matters is eating and running, or cornering your friend. Use your strategy and participate in pay-play tournaments in your online rank.